Pain is the shit that people dump in your garden hoping it will make your heart harden. If you have love for them and always pardon, what they leave will fertilize your seeds if you have the courage to tend to your garden.
Before you cast a stone, make sure you have the courage to let your sin be known. Those that are quick to cast a stone at their neighbor’s sin do not have the courage to face what makes their light grow dim within.
When your heart tiresOur Lord will save you from the adversary’s fireAnd, an eternity of wandering through the mireAs you turn to prayerYour adversary will burn in their own fire.
Faith is walking forward with love and hope in all parts of your soul. When you can’t see God, but always feel him making you whole. It’s walking forward to a place that you see in your heart, even when everything around you is falling apart. When you feel your back is against the Red […]
Everything of this world is noise. We think we know what we want, but only God knows what we need. If we focus and commit everything in our life to God, and walk his path everything we need will be given to us. From that we will find everything we have ever wanted.