The Tree

One day long ago, all I wanted was to climb down and be free from the tree that was protecting me. From the poring rain I was to young to see that was coming down at me.

Now that I am free there is not much left of me. Running through the field finding nothing that will make me heal. Looking for the tree it is no longer near; there is nothing that will comfort this fear.

I am here to water the tree for it sheltered me.
I am here to water the tree for it gave love to me.
For it has made me see that love is all that will free my will to be.

While looking for the fruits I denied my roots. I denied the tree that made me be. I denied that which sheltered me. How could I have been such a fool to lose this duel? How could I let sin become my friend? When all along the tree was comforting it’s kin.

But now I am here to persevere. I am here to keep my heart near. I will never feel this fear that was so close to becoming real. Please God help me find that which will help me heal.

Looking for something to save me, I failed to see it was God and family that was the comforting key. I turned away from the tree, and I followed that which was destroying me.

I am here to water the tree for it sheltered me.
I am here to water the tree for it gave love to me.
For it has made me see that love is all that will free my will to be.