The only way to destroy the shadows that surround us is with light and love. Darkness will beget darkness.
Michael J. Merritt
The False State of Pain and Darkness
So many of us spend our lives in pain and darkness wanting to feel loved while failing to realize or focus on the fact that we are loved by God. It is in this love our hearts will be filled with light and we will find peace, hope, and good news.
Love Your Neighbor as Yourself
To view Islamic people as terrorists would be as reckless, foolish, and irresponsible as viewing all Christians as capital rioters. I do not believe the middle east is the only geographical area of this world that harbors heavily armed, religious, and political extremists. One of the greatest privileges of my life was spending three years […]
Restoration of the Organic System after Failure
Accomplishing operational objectives in the face of extreme adversity are not achieved by actions rooted in how we feel, but those that are calculated based upon mission requirements and responsible operational risk management. Attaining strategic supremacy on the battlefield is only achieved with the proper implementation of finite and infinite game theory based on a […]
The Form of Valor
When the foolish pursue wealth and conquest, they believe they have won when they acquire it. The wise know true victory is only achieved when one can honorably and transparently represent how it was accomplished. Anything less is a false victory awaiting its true defeat.
A Dish That is Best Served Cold
Failure is nothing more than seasoning for a meal that requires honor, courage, and commitment to be properly served.
Fields of Darkness
Nothing can stop me now.I’ve been broken in a world where I’m expected to bow. Every day you wake up wanting me dead,but Christ’s love keeps my spirit fed. With a gun in my mouth while you take aim.I know in my Lord’s time you will turn back in shame. While you have me surrounded […]
The Desert of Deceit
A desert is an expanse of land nearly void of life and moisture. Do not let it deceive you, keep applying pressure to its cacti and the truth will flow like water.
The Final Race Between Good and Evil
The roots of hate and cynicism will only grow in a garden where we focus on what we have lost. Hope, Love, and Grace flourish in a garden where we take what we have lost and focus on what we can build while protecting others from that pain.
The Erosion of Deceit
The destruction of evil is not based on whether we have the strength to crack it like a rock or destroy it. The destruction of evil is based upon whether we have the courage to be spiritually calm and flow like living water until the rock is no longer there, while the truth erodes it […]