When the masonry of a republic’s court has become compromised it is only a matter of time before truth erodes its ability to stand. Authority and power that are not deployed with honor can only support the foundation of a civilization during a moment in time. Truth is Eternal

A heart’s course that is not laid in with loving hands on the ships wheel will eventually steer itself in the same direction as that which has wronged it. As hate, contempt, and entitlement slowly transforms that person into that which they claim to be against.

Any court that disregards its rules and the laws of the state while granting quarter and executing no accountability to a party that has violated its orders or laws of the state. Is responsible for any damage or injury that was caused to another party due to its prejudice and failure to hold the offending […]

When a person or group decide to handle a legal matter in accordance with their own personal beliefs and motives due to a sense of entitlement caused by having jurisdiction, an appointment, or custody over a legal matter while their agenda or personal bias is elevated to a higher priority than their judicial, legal, and […]

In this life, it does not matter how much adversity we endure. There are things we will never stop believing in, and there are people we will never stop loving. Everything that drives me, my passion, my faith, and my hope is because I will never stop loving the woman that hurt me the most […]

When all I feel is pain and the desire to see my blood dripping down my wrists. When I cannot see because darkness is all there is while the Adversary is in my midst. It was Christ that held me and gave me courage while I stood in this world’s fire and gave me the […]

If words are a collection of letters telling a tale, musical notes are a collection of emotions communicating a feeling. The journey is finding each letter and note that communicates what is in our hearts as we seek to be heard, as a sailor in a ship that has fallen below the water searches for […]