The inner strength of the least among us is created by the evidence that shows they carry the weight of this world’s deceit. At the same time, the evidence also indicates that the least among us also carry the weight of truth that some we have trusted to lead have produced evidence of lacking the […]
Michael J. Merritt
The Form of Persistence
Success has little to do with who we are. It has everything to do with having the honor, courage, and commitment to persevere through failure until we reach the desired outcome. Defeat is only achieved by those who accept it.
When I deploy to defend what I serve and believe in, I do not look back at the pier from which I departed. I stand the watch until I have completed the mission I have been ordered to complete.
The Form of the Battle of Midway Theorem
The Darkness That Permeates the Midwatch
The light of Truth is coming to restore the persecuted, the captive, and the crucified. We only need the courage and strength to stand this watch until his arrival. This work does not represent the intelligence or achievement of any one individual. It represents the glory of God as manifested by his breath upon clay […]
The Form of the Patriot
Providing evidence that you have the strength to physically keep and bear arms while defending yourself is not enough to form a patriot. The form of a patriot is displayed by those who have the courage to put their lives on the line in accordance with our laws while defending the rights of others.
The Form of Betrayal
The state provides evidence of its true and proper form when the honorable that have served it execute orders and adhere to laws while producing a sum that reveals the truth the state lacks the courage to face. During these times, the honorable must hold onto and adhere to the spirit of the country they […]
The Form of the 2nd Amendment Sanctuary
Providing evidence that you have the strength to physically keep and bear arms while defending yourself is not enough to form a patriot. The form of a patriot is displayed by someone who has the courage to put their on the line in accordance with our laws while defending the rights of others.
The Form of the Constitutional Maverick
An independent force fueled by theological beliefs, philosophical ethics, and inner pain that can only exist while pushing the envelope and raising the bar in accordance with our laws. A force that cannot rest and is only satisfied once the people have been provided a view of the truth and what is possible when we […]