When a person or group decide to handle a legal matter in accordance with their own personal beliefs and motives due to a sense of entitlement caused by having jurisdiction, an appointment, or custody over a legal matter while their agenda or personal bias is elevated to a higher priority than their judicial, legal, and […]

During the years of the industrial age freedom of speech was a “right” protected by the founding documents of the republic. During the Information Age freedom of speech is a “service” provided in accordance with the terms of service and discretion of the entities that provide us connectivity (public utility), the platforms we distribute our […]

Carl Sagan stated:“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” Without extraordinary evidence, extraordinary claims are possibly nothing more than falsehoods concealing a motive. If our nation’s courts are allowed to be fueled by extraordinary claims and not extraordinary evidence, our nation’s justice system will devolve into nothing more than the executive wing of that day’s social politics. […]

When dealing with corruption in the court system or a failure to enforce the law by local police departments, you have to articulate yourself and all available evidence, so there is a complete elimination of political bias, cultural bias, and personal bias in the justice process. When you align evidence of others’ actions in parallel […]

There is one Judicial constant that I believe to be true. The innocent pursue the Law the guilty run from it. What I have learned from the ignorant and the deceitful, they will keep marching proudly in the direction they desire because their arrogance allows them to falsely believe they can pay the bill.

Full disclosure, complete availability for scrutiny of the words that we speak and the positions we make. The complete disqualification, removal, and accountability of individuals seeking to suppress and or manipulate the truth that damages their case and desired outcome. Cloud-Based Distribution of Truth