The pain of personal loss manifests honor, courage, and commitment in the hearts of those who desire to serve others. At the same time, citizens that maintain this form grow from a garden of faith and hope. When I thought I could see, I blindly followed a flag and the government bodies holding it. Now […]
Information Warfare
The Light in Darkness
The sum of an investigation manifests data collection as a painting. When surrounded by darkness and I can no longer see, I quiet my mind and wait for God to guide the brush.
Resurrection of Justice
If a judge or prosecutor performs their function in our republic in violation of the law. It is the responsibility of the citizens they victimize to move swiftly, ethically, and honorably toward their removal in accordance with the law to safeguard future citizens of this republic from the perpetuation of their tyranny.
Evolution of the Witch Trial
When evidence is superseded by the prejudice of social climate in a republic’s justice system the witch’s that we persecute will forever evolve to the form of whatever that society hates as innocent people are burnt and destroyed at the people’s stake.
The Form of Obsession
An accusation or unqualified diagnosis utilized by the unprepared, uneducated, and the guilty to criminalize those that seek to become legendary in their pursuits and accomplishments.
The Healing Tree
If we are not a platform for our children to grow from while protecting them from the mistakes of the foundation that cultivated us we have failed at evolving the tree that carries our blood.
The Desert of Deceit
A desert is an expanse of land nearly void of life and moisture. Do not let it deceive you, keep applying pressure to its cacti and the truth will flow like water.
Evolutionary Sovereignty
No man has authority over another. As long as you have the courage to see through the title given to them by others.
The Term of Service
When a blue-collar worker robs a white-collar worker they are served with a prison term. When a blue-collar worker is robbed by a white-collar worker they are given terms of service.
Judicial Ruins
When the masonry of a republic’s court has become compromised it is only a matter of time before truth erodes its ability to stand. Authority and power that are not deployed with honor can only support the foundation of a civilization during a moment in time. Truth is Eternal