The generations that inherit this nation will not remain strong if we build and teach them on a foundation of political bickering, hate, and corruption. Only the honorable acts of the courageous and the committed who are prepared to sacrifice everything they have left will inspire the foundation necessary for future generations to continue manifesting […]
When this world sets your life and everything that you love on fire do not turn to evil that exists in the mire. Rise up, with honorable acts in the light of God and let the world watch you dance on their pyre.
Tyranny and injustice breed in this republic because many who are victimized by it are afraid to lose what little they have left at the hands of politically and socially superior players on the battlefield. At the same time, it may be foolish to believe that we live in a free country when the evidence […]
Christianity is not manifested by coffee and donuts consumed on Sundays within socially desirable social circles. Christianity is manifested by those who manifest the words of Jesus Christ within the evidence of their daily Acts, every day of their lives, even when they are not socially desired or celebrated, for it is written. “The King […]
The Truth takes time and is only found by those who demonstrate the honor, courage, and commitment to climb Golgotha, knowing the destiny that awaits them.
Our lives are manifestations of our souls in the first three dimensions of reality. They are not the sum of this world. Our lives and this world are the sum of what we have the honor, courage, and commitment to make so in the fourth dimension.