Any person or object that is a part of the form beauty is beautiful. To what extent it is a part of the form dictates how beautiful it is. The person viewing the person or object within the form will only experience the truth of love if they appreciate the individuality of what is within […]
Thoughts create behavior, behavior creates actions, actions build the stones in the castle that is you. We live in a world of people that tear stones from our castle to build up themselves only to leave us in ruin. You can’t sit in the rubble of what you were. You have to pick yourself up […]
Suicide is no place to hide. When things are darkest faith helps us realize Christ will open our eyes, so we can see what we think we are missing is already deep inside.
What if people looked at happiness as something we create and not something we wait to happen to us. It is an attitude, a filter we look through and a choice we make. Something we create for those around us knowing serving others creates more happiness than serving ourselves. When we deal with bitterness why […]
When your heart tires, our Lord will save you from the adversary’s fire. An eternity of wandering through the mire As you turn to prayer, your adversary will burn in their own fire.