Depression and sadness are caused by a focus on the lies the Devil whispers in the night instead of focusing on the truths Christ reveals in the light.
If we do not own the feelings of our heart and make them our own. Then they will take whatever shape the world makes for them and like water your heart will fill whatever container it is put in. As opposed to leading and flowing in the direction it chooses. It is easy to become […]
The human body is a temple. If stones are what make up the temple, habits are the stones that make up the human. “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought […]
When you have fallen and nothing in life on this world makes sense. When you have lost everything you have. When you have been betrayed by everyone that you thought loved you. When you have lost the one you love. When you fought for what you believe in and what you thought was right and […]
When you have fallen and nothing in life on this world makes sense. When you have lost everything you have. When you have been betrayed by everyone that you thought loved you. When you have lost the one you love. When you fought for what you believe in and what you thought was right and […]
The Paradox of Depression The only way to heal depression and deal with loss is by doing the very things you do not feel like doing. Those are the bricks in the new castle that will be what you become. For everything that you do not do, is just reenforcement of what you think you […]