When people deceive, misrepresent, and criminalize the innocent while protecting their treasures in this world, they provide evidence of their eternal form. When the innocent fearlessly pursue the truth regardless of the actions of others, they provide evidence of the destination they have chosen and the treasures that await them in heaven. The only true […]

Having the courage to speak the truth while standing in the light does not manifest a paradigm free of anxiety, insecurity, or fear. It produces evidence that we have placed our souls in the hands of Jesus Christ and embraced the path in front of us, knowing the final destination this world has prepared for […]

It is not the world that defines our status and position in life. When we accept the reality that others have defined and give up on what we believe is right, it is then that we define our status and position in life. Life is a sandbox that is molded and shaped by those that […]

I feel close to my Lord while boldly speaking the truth. At the same time, living my life on a one-nail restriction from my own crucifixion. Charge boldly into the darkness with truth and light in your soul while serving, helping, and protecting others trapped within. When our lives are at their darkest and lowest […]

Vengeance may be the root of what moves some to action. At the same time, providing others hope ultimately is the only motive that will resurrect our souls while we work to save and defend the lives of others. The only way to destroy the darkness that manifests evil is to learn to fly through […]

This world is a desert of deceit with wandering travelers who lust and feed from the very sand that ravages our bodies as it slowly kills our souls. At the same time, we disregard the living water that is right in front of us. While the wicked roam the desert sand pillaging the lives of […]

This world puts rocks in the pockets of alleged witches. At the same time, the guilty distract their minds regarding how they collect their riches. It is the liar’s sales pitches that attempt to transform the innocent into their bitches. As their lie begins to produce glitches, they realize they are digging the hole in […]

Bishop, my life you took,as you transformed a Rook into a crook. Bishop, my life you took,as you transformed a Rook into a crook. My pain is a trip of lies created by your lips,while you held your communion cup as I sipped. After you proclaimed this Methodist hymnal song,evidence shows it’s two of your […]

I am a haunted mirror, it is what you see that produces fear. As you spend the rest of your life terrified I will draw near. I will harvest every one of your tears before the day I let go of your body from this pier. Never again will you interfere with my blood as […]